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Experience spiritual bliss, overcome your anxieties, stress, traumas, fears & fobias, break repeat patterns, attain focus and achieve happiness & success goals in life with mental health and mindset transformation, using my kiesh technique, which using different subconscious healing modalities like past life regression framework, hypnotherapy, inner child healing, womb regression, life between lives, and future life progression!!

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What We Offer ?

Group Spiritual Bliss Therapies & Individual Subconscious Healing Therapies

using my one-of-a kind KIESH Technique

KIESH Past Life Regression

Past Life Regression is an intent based therapy where first the problem statement is identified, then using hypnotherapy the person is regressed so that the life events from the current life and past lives flash before the person's eyes, while in regression and help explain the root cause of the intent.It is a spiritual journey and during the regression person might have spiritual experiences.

KIESH Inner Child Healing

Personalized Inner Child Healing using Hypnotherapy session depending on individual personality and needs. A thorough and systematic analysis of On course performance during induced Hypnosis. The therapy helps the Players to assess their performances, identify and heal emotional barriers to performances. It helps the players to find their Zen while performing under pressure and absorb the nuances of game better.

KIESH Subconscious Future Projections

Have you ever felt Deja vu in life. Feeling that you have seen this event before, or you knew it that this would happen!! If the answer is Yes, then you have been experiencing Subconscious Future projections. On the basis of how we live our lives, the energies that we exchange, our Subconscious keeps calculating the Future possible course of action in our lives. Through KIESH Subconscious Future Projections, we do a Future Life Regression using Hypnotherapy, and consciously see the subconscious projections.

KIESH Womb Regression

As a child in Womb inherits all the stress and traumas and other experiences that mother goes through, when the child is born these traumas get imbedded in the subconscious mind and can alter the child's personality and behavior. Through the womb regression, you are able to unlock those part of your subconscious memory where these stress & traumas are rooted, and through scientific therapies womb regression is done and healing is provided

KIESH Spiritual Bliss Group Therapies

These are set of group therapies aimed at helping people achieve their Happiness & Success Goals in life, with Mental Health & Mindset Transformation using Breathwork, Mindfulness,  Transformation &  Find Purpose of their Life, Divine Shower, Chakra Healing, Memory Booster Therapies, Womb Regression, Bhiksham Dehi Therapy, Pride & Self Esteem Therapy, Self Actualization Therapies

One-to-One Counselling:

It is a 45 minutes one to one session to scheduled with the clients to understand their current issues, provide them with counselling to overcome stress & anxieties, and help them with achieving their Happiness & Success Goals.


What Our Members Said

On attending some of the earlier workshops and events held online
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I was battling with the fear of blood since childhood and the sound of swords used to cause chronic anxiety and dizziness….This fear was deeply ingrained in my subconscious mind….After connecting with Kirtimaan ji, I was able to understand my past life issues ....he helped me to overcome these fears.. i feel much better and energized.

Shipul Gulati
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I feel that emotions attached to the memories has washed away completely" It was a great session done online by Kirtimaan and it really helped me a lot. Thanks!

Finance Advisor
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Very Powerful Session. I had chronic anxiety issues which increased when alone or not keeping myself busy, especially during mornings and late evenings. I connected with Kirtimaan, understood the benefits of PLR and inner child healing. We connected online and had around 3 hours session. It was a great session, and after one session only, my long standing Anxiety issues were completely resolved.

Arjun Sharma
IT consultant

Kirtimaan Kashyap

  • IPHM (International Practitioner of Holistic Medicines) certified Past Life Regression(PLR), Womb Regression, Inner Child Healing & Hypnotherapist.
  • Spiritualist - Have been practicing intense meditation, Breathwork & Mindfulness for Past 25 years..
  • Have 100% Success Rate with Therapies
  • Excellent in helping People achieve their Happiness & Success Goals in Life with their Mental Health & Mindset Transformation Goals using my Revolutionary KIESH technique which is a Blend of Inner Engineering & Subconscious Healing using PLR framework.
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